Quiz Arts

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Are you an art lover? We offer a collection of art quizzes to test your knowledge of painting, sculpture, art movements, museums and much more.

Our art quizzes are a fun and informative way to discover the world of art. With our selection of questions on painters, sculptures, contemporary artists and famous works of art, you can test your knowledge of art and art culture. Do you know the painters of the Renaissance? Can you recognize the most famous works of art? Can you tell the difference between modern and contemporary art movements? Our art quizzes will help you answer these questions and develop your knowledge of art.

Our art quizzes will help you discover new artists and works of art, and learn more about the most important artists in art history. Art quizzes are a fun way to reinforce your knowledge and discover artists and works of art from all over the world. Whether you’re passionate about art or simply curious, our quizzes will provide you with an enriching and entertaining experience.

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Learning with our arts quizzes is both fun and educational. Here are just a few of the benefits:

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Some of our quiz questions require critical thinking and analysis. By comparing different artistic styles or identifying distinctive features of works of art, you’ll hone your analytical skills.

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Dive into art learning with our art quizzes and turn your curiosity into in-depth knowledge. Test your knowledge and see how much you can learn and grow in your appreciation of art!


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Statue de la Liberté

Who built the Statue of Liberty?

1Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi

2Eugène Freyssinet

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🙌 Good answer

The Statue of Liberty was built by French sculptor Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi, with the internal structure designed by Gustave Eiffel.

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😞 Wrong answer

The Statue of Liberty was built by French sculptor Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi, with the internal structure designed by Gustave Eiffel.

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pyramide louvre

Who is the architect of the Louvre pyramid?

2Ieoh Ming Pei

1Tadao Andō

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🙌 Good answer

The architect of the Louvre Pyramid is Chinese-American Ieoh Ming Pei, who designed the iconic glass structure in 1984.

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The architect of the Louvre Pyramid is Chinese-American Ieoh Ming Pei, who designed the iconic glass structure in 1984.

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When did Pablo Picasso make Les Demoiselles d'Avignon?



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Les Demoiselles d'Avignon is an oil painting on canvas, made in Paris by Pablo Picasso in 1907.

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Les Demoiselles d'Avignon is an oil painting on canvas, made in Paris by Pablo Picasso in 1907.

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Where is exhibited the work Merahi metua no Tehamana painted by the French artist Paul Gauguin in 1893?

1Art Institute, Chicago

2MoMA, New York

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Merahi metua no Tehamana is an 1893 painting by French artist Paul Gauguin, currently in the collection of the Art Institute of Chicago. The painting is a portrait of Paul Gauguin's wife, Teha'amana, during his first visit to Tahiti in 1891-1893.

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😞 Wrong answer

Merahi metua no Tehamana is an 1893 painting by French artist Paul Gauguin, currently in the collection of the Art Institute of Chicago. The painting is a portrait of Paul Gauguin's wife, Teha'amana, during his first visit to Tahiti in 1891-1893.

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Who painted the Diptych of Melun?

1Jean Fouquet

2Jérôme Bosch

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The Diptych of Melun is a votive painting painted around 1452-1458, by Jean Fouquet, on behalf of Etienne Chevalier, treasurer of the King of France Charles VII, formerly kept in the collegiate church of Notre-Dame de Melun and now dispersed.

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😞 Wrong answer

The Diptych of Melun is a votive painting painted around 1452-1458, by Jean Fouquet, on behalf of Etienne Chevalier, treasurer of the King of France Charles VII, formerly kept in the collegiate church of Notre-Dame de Melun and now dispersed.

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What Egyptian tomb did the Basin Garden adorn?

2Tomb of Nebamun

1Tomb of Ahmose

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The best known paintings of the Tomb of Nebamon include Nebamon's bird hunting in the marshes, dancers at a banquet and a pond in a garden.

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The best known paintings of the Tomb of Nebamon include Nebamon's bird hunting in the marshes, dancers at a banquet and a pond in a garden.

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What primitive Flemish painter produced the Arnolfini Portrait in 1434?

2Jan van Eyck

1Antoine van Dyck

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🙌 Good answer

The Arnolfini Portrait is the name given to a wood painting by the early Flemish painter Jan van Eyck dating from 1434, kept at the National Gallery in London.

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The Arnolfini Portrait is the name given to a wood painting by the early Flemish painter Jan van Eyck dating from 1434, kept at the National Gallery in London.

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For which international exhibition was Auguste Rodin's Kiss Sculpture created?

1The Paris Universal Exhibition of 1889

2The Paris Universal Exhibition of 1900

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🙌 Good answer

Auguste Rodin's sculpture The Kiss was originally created for the 1889 Paris World's Fair, where it was exhibited in the artist's pavilion.

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Auguste Rodin's sculpture The Kiss was originally created for the 1889 Paris World's Fair, where it was exhibited in the artist's pavilion.

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Who painted Lunch on the Grass in 1863?

2Édouard Manet

1Claude Monet

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🙌 Good answer

Lunch on the Grass is a painting by Édouard Manet completed in 1863, first entitled Le Bain, then La Partie carrée. It was exhibited briefly for the first time at the Salon des Refusés on May 15, 1863, and was later unhooked. The following year, it was exhibited again, not without a scandal on the fringes of the Salon, and became part of the public heritage in 1906 thanks to a donation from the collector Étienne Moreau-Nélaton.

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😞 Wrong answer

Lunch on the Grass is a painting by Édouard Manet completed in 1863, first entitled Le Bain, then La Partie carrée. It was exhibited briefly for the first time at the Salon des Refusés on May 15, 1863, and was later unhooked. The following year, it was exhibited again, not without a scandal on the fringes of the Salon, and became part of the public heritage in 1906 thanks to a donation from the collector Étienne Moreau-Nélaton.

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In which town does the "Bal du moulin de la Galette" by the Impressionist painter Auguste Renoir take place?



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🙌 Good answer

Le Bal du moulin de la Galette is an oil on canvas by the French Impressionist painter Auguste Renoir, painted in 1876. The scene, illuminated by a light that passes through the leaves, takes place at the Moulin de la Galette on the Montmartre hill in Paris. The painting is currently in the Musée d'Orsay, Paris.

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😞 Wrong answer

Le Bal du moulin de la Galette is an oil on canvas by the French Impressionist painter Auguste Renoir, painted in 1876. The scene, illuminated by a light that passes through the leaves, takes place at the Moulin de la Galette on the Montmartre hill in Paris. The painting is currently in the Musée d'Orsay, Paris.

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