Quiz Arts

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Are you an art lover? We offer a collection of art quizzes to test your knowledge of painting, sculpture, art movements, museums and much more.

Our art quizzes are a fun and informative way to discover the world of art. With our selection of questions on painters, sculptures, contemporary artists and famous works of art, you can test your knowledge of art and art culture. Do you know the painters of the Renaissance? Can you recognize the most famous works of art? Can you tell the difference between modern and contemporary art movements? Our art quizzes will help you answer these questions and develop your knowledge of art.

Our art quizzes will help you discover new artists and works of art, and learn more about the most important artists in art history. Art quizzes are a fun way to reinforce your knowledge and discover artists and works of art from all over the world. Whether you’re passionate about art or simply curious, our quizzes will provide you with an enriching and entertaining experience.

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Learning with our arts quizzes is both fun and educational. Here are just a few of the benefits:

By answering questions about different aspects of art, you’ll discover a variety of artists, styles and works you may not have known about before. Each quiz is an opportunity to discover something new.

Our quizzes are designed to cover a wide range of artistic subjects. By repeating the quizzes, you’ll reinforce your knowledge and retain information better through regular practice.

Unlike passive reading, quizzes involve you actively in the learning process. By answering questions and receiving immediate feedback, you understand and retain information more effectively.

Some of our quiz questions require critical thinking and analysis. By comparing different artistic styles or identifying distinctive features of works of art, you’ll hone your analytical skills.

Our quizzes are varied and include multiple-choice, true/false and matching questions. This diversity makes learning dynamic and keeps your interest throughout your educational journey.

You can access our quizzes anytime, anywhere, on your computer, tablet or smartphone. Learn at your own pace, according to your own schedule.

Dive into art learning with our art quizzes and turn your curiosity into in-depth knowledge. Test your knowledge and see how much you can learn and grow in your appreciation of art!


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What is the city of origin of the Spanish painter Joan de Joanes?



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๐Ÿ™Œ Good answer

Joan de Joanes is a Spanish painter considered the most important painter of his time in Valencia (1507-1579), he is nicknamed the second Raphael. He devoted himself mainly to religious painting.

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๐Ÿ˜ž Wrong answer

Joan de Joanes is a Spanish painter considered the most important painter of his time in Valencia (1507-1579), he is nicknamed the second Raphael. He devoted himself mainly to religious painting.

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Vรฉnus de Milo

Who sculpted the Venus de Milo?

1Alexandros of Antioch


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๐Ÿ™Œ Good answer

The Venus de Milo, a famous Greek sculpture, is attributed to the sculptor Alexandros of Antioch and dates from around 130-100 BC.

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๐Ÿ˜ž Wrong answer

The Venus de Milo, a famous Greek sculpture, is attributed to the sculptor Alexandros of Antioch and dates from around 130-100 BC.

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Where is exhibited the work The Surrender of Breda painted by Diego Velรกzquez?

1Museo del Prado, Madrid

2National Gallery, London

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๐Ÿ™Œ Good answer

The Surrender of Breda is an oil on canvas, painted between 1634 and 1635 by Diego Velรกzquez and exhibited at the Prado Museum in Madrid since 1819.

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The Surrender of Breda is an oil on canvas, painted between 1634 and 1635 by Diego Velรกzquez and exhibited at the Prado Museum in Madrid since 1819.

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Where is exhibited the work "The Baptism of Christ" by Piero della Francesca?

2The National Gallery

1The Louvre Museum

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๐Ÿ™Œ Good answer

The Baptism of Christ (Battesimo di Cristo) is a work by Piero della Francesca made between 1448 and 1450, panel of a triptych, exhibited at the National Gallery in London.

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๐Ÿ˜ž Wrong answer

The Baptism of Christ (Battesimo di Cristo) is a work by Piero della Francesca made between 1448 and 1450, panel of a triptych, exhibited at the National Gallery in London.

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Who painted the Diptych of Melun?

1Jean Fouquet

2Jรฉrรดme Bosch

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๐Ÿ™Œ Good answer

The Diptych of Melun is a votive painting painted around 1452-1458, by Jean Fouquet, on behalf of Etienne Chevalier, treasurer of the King of France Charles VII, formerly kept in the collegiate church of Notre-Dame de Melun and now dispersed.

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๐Ÿ˜ž Wrong answer

The Diptych of Melun is a votive painting painted around 1452-1458, by Jean Fouquet, on behalf of Etienne Chevalier, treasurer of the King of France Charles VII, formerly kept in the collegiate church of Notre-Dame de Melun and now dispersed.

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To which years does Pablo Picasso's Blue Period correspond?



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๐Ÿ™Œ Good answer

The blue period of Pablo Picasso corresponds to the years 1901-1904: this name comes from the fact that blue is the dominant color of his paintings.

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๐Ÿ˜ž Wrong answer

The blue period of Pablo Picasso corresponds to the years 1901-1904: this name comes from the fact that blue is the dominant color of his paintings.

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When did Douanier Rousseau paint The Dream?



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๐Ÿ™Œ Good answer

The Dream is a painting by Douanier Rousseau painted in 1910. It is currently kept at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. The painter depicts a young nude girl, Yadwiga, Rousseau's former Polish friend, lying on a red sofa, surrounded by giant lotus flowers.

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๐Ÿ˜ž Wrong answer

The Dream is a painting by Douanier Rousseau painted in 1910. It is currently kept at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. The painter depicts a young nude girl, Yadwiga, Rousseau's former Polish friend, lying on a red sofa, surrounded by giant lotus flowers.

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Which American artist painted the famous painting American Gothic in 1930?

1Grant Wood

2Thomas Eakins

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๐Ÿ™Œ Good answer

American Gothic is a painting by Grant Wood in the collection of the Art Institute of Chicago. Wood was inspired by a cottage designed in the Gothic Revival style with a distinctive top window and decided to paint it with "the kind of people he imagined [he] would live in that house. ยป

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๐Ÿ˜ž Wrong answer

American Gothic is a painting by Grant Wood in the collection of the Art Institute of Chicago. Wood was inspired by a cottage designed in the Gothic Revival style with a distinctive top window and decided to paint it with "the kind of people he imagined [he] would live in that house. ยป

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Where is exposed the fresco Delivery of the Keys painted by Pietro Perugino?

1Sistine Chapel

2St. Peter's Basilica

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๐Ÿ™Œ Good answer

Delivery of the Keys is a religiously themed fresco by Perugino and his assistants, circa 1482, part of the decoration in the middle register of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican.

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๐Ÿ˜ž Wrong answer

Delivery of the Keys is a religiously themed fresco by Perugino and his assistants, circa 1482, part of the decoration in the middle register of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican.

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Which primitive Flemish painter painted Madonna of Chancellor Rolin around 1435?

2Jan van Eyck

1Antoine van Dyck

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๐Ÿ™Œ Good answer

Madonna of Chancellor Rolin is a painting painted around 1435 by the early Flemish painter Jan van Eyck for Nicolas Rolin, chancellor of the Duke of Burgundy Philip the Good. It has been kept since 1805 in the Louvre museum.

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๐Ÿ˜ž Wrong answer

Madonna of Chancellor Rolin is a painting painted around 1435 by the early Flemish painter Jan van Eyck for Nicolas Rolin, chancellor of the Duke of Burgundy Philip the Good. It has been kept since 1805 in the Louvre museum.

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