Quiz Arts

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Are you an art lover? We offer a collection of art quizzes to test your knowledge of painting, sculpture, art movements, museums and much more.

Our art quizzes are a fun and informative way to discover the world of art. With our selection of questions on painters, sculptures, contemporary artists and famous works of art, you can test your knowledge of art and art culture. Do you know the painters of the Renaissance? Can you recognize the most famous works of art? Can you tell the difference between modern and contemporary art movements? Our art quizzes will help you answer these questions and develop your knowledge of art.

Our art quizzes will help you discover new artists and works of art, and learn more about the most important artists in art history. Art quizzes are a fun way to reinforce your knowledge and discover artists and works of art from all over the world. Whether you’re passionate about art or simply curious, our quizzes will provide you with an enriching and entertaining experience.

Test your knowledge now and dive into the fascinating world of art!

Learning with our arts quizzes is both fun and educational. Here are just a few of the benefits:

By answering questions about different aspects of art, you’ll discover a variety of artists, styles and works you may not have known about before. Each quiz is an opportunity to discover something new.

Our quizzes are designed to cover a wide range of artistic subjects. By repeating the quizzes, you’ll reinforce your knowledge and retain information better through regular practice.

Unlike passive reading, quizzes involve you actively in the learning process. By answering questions and receiving immediate feedback, you understand and retain information more effectively.

Some of our quiz questions require critical thinking and analysis. By comparing different artistic styles or identifying distinctive features of works of art, you’ll hone your analytical skills.

Our quizzes are varied and include multiple-choice, true/false and matching questions. This diversity makes learning dynamic and keeps your interest throughout your educational journey.

You can access our quizzes anytime, anywhere, on your computer, tablet or smartphone. Learn at your own pace, according to your own schedule.

Dive into art learning with our art quizzes and turn your curiosity into in-depth knowledge. Test your knowledge and see how much you can learn and grow in your appreciation of art!


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What is the name of the work created by Robert Smithson on the shores of the Great Salt Lake in April 1970?

2Spiral Jetty

1Broken Circle

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🙌 Good answer

Spiral Jetty is a work of Land art created by the American sculptor Robert Smithson on the shores of the Great Salt Lake in April 1970.

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Spiral Jetty is a work of Land art created by the American sculptor Robert Smithson on the shores of the Great Salt Lake in April 1970.

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What is Mark Rothko's nationality?



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Mark Rothko was an American painter of Latvian origin. Born in Daugavpils, he emigrated to the United States in 1913 and became a major figure in Abstract Expressionism.

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Mark Rothko was an American painter of Latvian origin. Born in Daugavpils, he emigrated to the United States in 1913 and became a major figure in Abstract Expressionism.

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Quelle oeuvre de Picasso illustre la guerre d'Espagne ?

Which of Picasso's works illustrates the Spanish War?


1The Ladies of Avignon

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🙌 Good answer

Picasso's work illustrating the Spanish Civil War is Guernica. This monumental painting denounces the horrors of the bombing of the Basque town of Guernica in 1937.

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Picasso's work illustrating the Spanish Civil War is Guernica. This monumental painting denounces the horrors of the bombing of the Basque town of Guernica in 1937.

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What period does Art Nouveau cover?

11890 - 1910

21910 - 1940

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Appeared in the early 1890s, Art Nouveau evolved into a more geometric style, characteristic of the artistic movement Art Déco (1910-1940).

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Appeared in the early 1890s, Art Nouveau evolved into a more geometric style, characteristic of the artistic movement Art Déco (1910-1940).

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Which pope commissioned the fresco The Last Judgment painted by Michelangelo?

1Clement VII

2Paul III

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The Last Judgment is a fresco painted by Michelangelo on the altar wall of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican. It was commissioned by Pope Clement VII and inaugurated by his successor Paul III in 1541.

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The Last Judgment is a fresco painted by Michelangelo on the altar wall of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican. It was commissioned by Pope Clement VII and inaugurated by his successor Paul III in 1541.

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Which school did Louis Majorelle found in 1901?

1The Nancy School

2The Paris School

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🙌 Good answer

Initiated into Art Nouveau by Émile Gallé in 1894, Majorelle became one of the founding members of the École de Nancy in February 1901.

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Initiated into Art Nouveau by Émile Gallé in 1894, Majorelle became one of the founding members of the École de Nancy in February 1901.

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Where is exhibited the work A Dance to the Music of Time painted by Nicolas Poussin?

2Wallace Collection, London

1National Gallery, London

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A Dance to the Music of Time is a painting created by Nicolas Poussin between 1633 and 1634. This painting is exhibited at the Wallace Collection in London.

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A Dance to the Music of Time is a painting created by Nicolas Poussin between 1633 and 1634. This painting is exhibited at the Wallace Collection in London.

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Who painted The Raft of the Medusa in 1818-1819?

2Théodore Géricault

1Eugène Delacroix

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French artist Théodore Géricault painted The Raft of the Medusa in 1818-1819. This dramatic work, depicting a tragic shipwreck, is one of the masterpieces of Romanticism.

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French artist Théodore Géricault painted The Raft of the Medusa in 1818-1819. This dramatic work, depicting a tragic shipwreck, is one of the masterpieces of Romanticism.

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Which artist created the cycle of frescoes in the Scrovegni Chapel in Padua?



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The Scrovegni Chapel is a single nave chapel entirely covered with paintings whose colours are in a remarkable state of preservation. Giotto completed a complex programme covering the New Testament and two apocryphal sources.

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The Scrovegni Chapel is a single nave chapel entirely covered with paintings whose colours are in a remarkable state of preservation. Giotto completed a complex programme covering the New Testament and two apocryphal sources.

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Which English painter painted Rain, Steam and Speed - The Great Western Railway in 1844?

2Joseph Mallord William Turner

1John Constable

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🙌 Good answer

Rain, Steam and Speed - The Great Western Railway is a painting by Joseph Mallord William Turner (1775-1851) painted in 1844.

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Rain, Steam and Speed - The Great Western Railway is a painting by Joseph Mallord William Turner (1775-1851) painted in 1844.

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