Quiz Sciences
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Are you passionate about science? We offer you a collection of science quizzes to test your knowledge on different subjects, such as physics, biology, chemistry, astronomy, geology, etc.
Our science quizzes are a fun and educational way to discover the world of science. With our selection of questions on different topics, you can test your knowledge about science and technology. Do you know the most important laws of physics? Can you name the different parts of the human body? Can you identify the different chemical elements? Our science quizzes are here to help you answer these questions and expand your scientific knowledge.
Our science quizzes will help you discover new topics and theories, as well as learn about the great scientists in history. Science quizzes are a fun way to reinforce your knowledge and discover the beauty and complexity of the universe. So if you are a science enthusiast or just curious, come test your knowledge with our science quizzes.
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Which scientist discovered Penicillin in 1928?
1Alexander Fleming
2Louis Pasteur
π Good answer
Scientist Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin in 1928. This discovery revolutionized medicine by introducing antibiotics, capable of treating many bacterial infections.
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π Wrong answer
Scientist Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin in 1928. This discovery revolutionized medicine by introducing antibiotics, capable of treating many bacterial infections.
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In geometry, how many points delimit a line segment?
π Good answer
In geometry, a line segment (often abbreviated to "segment") is a portion of a line bounded by two points, called the segment ends.
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π Wrong answer
In geometry, a line segment (often abbreviated to "segment") is a portion of a line bounded by two points, called the segment ends.
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Which sesamoid bone is in the knee?
π Good answer
The patella is a sesamoid bone of the knee. It protects the knee joint and facilitates movement by improving the leverage of the quadriceps femoris tendon.
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π Wrong answer
The patella is a sesamoid bone of the knee. It protects the knee joint and facilitates movement by improving the leverage of the quadriceps femoris tendon.
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What is hip bone?
1The pelvis
π Good answer
There are two coxal bones, the right hip bone and the left hip bone. They are also called iliac bones and make up the pelvis, or pelvic girdle.
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π Wrong answer
There are two coxal bones, the right hip bone and the left hip bone. They are also called iliac bones and make up the pelvis, or pelvic girdle.
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What is the name given to the first battery?
2Voltaic battery
1Electrochemical cell
π Good answer
Count Alessandro Giuseppe Antonio Anastasio Volta is a Lombard physicist and chemist. He is known for his work on electricity and for the invention of the first electric battery, called the voltaic battery. His name is at the origin of the unit of electrical voltage.
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π Wrong answer
Count Alessandro Giuseppe Antonio Anastasio Volta is a Lombard physicist and chemist. He is known for his work on electricity and for the invention of the first electric battery, called the voltaic battery. His name is at the origin of the unit of electrical voltage.
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Which Dutch inventor introduced one of the first telescopes in 1608?
2Hans Lippershey
1Antoni van Leeuwenhoek
π Good answer
Hans Lippershey is a Dutch optician, he presented at the end of September 1608 one of the first concrete realizations of a telescope of approach. This telescope was to lead very quickly to the telescope and then to the telescope.
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π Wrong answer
Hans Lippershey is a Dutch optician, he presented at the end of September 1608 one of the first concrete realizations of a telescope of approach. This telescope was to lead very quickly to the telescope and then to the telescope.
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Where is the sea of tranquility?
π Good answer
The Sea of Tranquility is a vast lunar plain located on the Moon. It was the landing site for the Apollo 11 mission in 1969, where the first men walked.
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π Wrong answer
The Sea of Tranquility is a vast lunar plain located on the Moon. It was the landing site for the Apollo 11 mission in 1969, where the first men walked.
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When was the Kepler Space Telescope launched by NASA?
π Good answer
The Kepler space telescope was launched by NASA on March 7, 2009. Its main mission is to discover exoplanets outside our solar system.
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π Wrong answer
The Kepler space telescope was launched by NASA on March 7, 2009. Its main mission is to discover exoplanets outside our solar system.
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Against which infectious disease is the Calmette and GuΓ©rin bivalent vaccine used?
π Good answer
The BCG (Calmette-GuΓ©rin) vaccine is used to prevent tuberculosis, an infectious disease that mainly affects the lungs.
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π Wrong answer
The BCG (Calmette-GuΓ©rin) vaccine is used to prevent tuberculosis, an infectious disease that mainly affects the lungs.
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Which measuring instrument was invented by the Italian physicist and mathematician Evangelista Torricelli in 1643?
π Good answer
The mercury barometer: the atmospheric pressure is balanced by a column of mercury surmounted by a closed and empty space. It was invented by Evangelista Torricelli in 1643.
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π Wrong answer
The mercury barometer: the atmospheric pressure is balanced by a column of mercury surmounted by a closed and empty space. It was invented by Evangelista Torricelli in 1643.
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