Quiz Sciences
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Are you passionate about science? We offer you a collection of science quizzes to test your knowledge on different subjects, such as physics, biology, chemistry, astronomy, geology, etc.
Our science quizzes are a fun and educational way to discover the world of science. With our selection of questions on different topics, you can test your knowledge about science and technology. Do you know the most important laws of physics? Can you name the different parts of the human body? Can you identify the different chemical elements? Our science quizzes are here to help you answer these questions and expand your scientific knowledge.
Our science quizzes will help you discover new topics and theories, as well as learn about the great scientists in history. Science quizzes are a fun way to reinforce your knowledge and discover the beauty and complexity of the universe. So if you are a science enthusiast or just curious, come test your knowledge with our science quizzes.
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What NASA program was aimed at putting a man on the moon?
π Good answer
NASA's Apollo program aimed to land a man on the Moon. Apollo 11 succeeded in this historic mission in July 1969.
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π Wrong answer
NASA's Apollo program aimed to land a man on the Moon. Apollo 11 succeeded in this historic mission in July 1969.
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Which scientist invented the air pump in 1686?
2Otto von Guericke
1Robert Boyle
π Good answer
Otto von Guericke is a German scientist, inventor and politician. His main scientific contribution concerns the physics of the vacuum. He is the inventor of the air pump, the ancestor of the vacuum pump, consisting of a piston, a cylinder and a non-return valve, designed to extract air.
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π Wrong answer
Otto von Guericke is a German scientist, inventor and politician. His main scientific contribution concerns the physics of the vacuum. He is the inventor of the air pump, the ancestor of the vacuum pump, consisting of a piston, a cylinder and a non-return valve, designed to extract air.
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What is the longest bone of the human skeleton?
π Good answer
The femur is the longest bone in the human skeleton, located in the thigh. It provides support for the body and mobility for the leg.
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π Wrong answer
The femur is the longest bone in the human skeleton, located in the thigh. It provides support for the body and mobility for the leg.
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How many astronauts in the Apollo space program have walked on the moon?
π Good answer
NASA's Apollo space program, launched in 1961 and completed in 1975, saw twelve American astronauts walk on the moon.
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π Wrong answer
NASA's Apollo space program, launched in 1961 and completed in 1975, saw twelve American astronauts walk on the moon.
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Which James Watt employee was involved in the discovery of lighting gas?
2William Murdoch
1John Roebuck
π Good answer
William Murdoch is a Scottish engineer and inventor. He is an employee of James Watt and has made several of his patented inventions. The ownership of the discovery of lighting gas around 1800 was a matter of debate at the time. It was shared between the Frenchman Philippe Lebon, the Englishman William Murdoch, the German FrΓ©dΓ©ric-Albert Winsor and the Limbourgois Jan Pieter Minckelers.
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π Wrong answer
William Murdoch is a Scottish engineer and inventor. He is an employee of James Watt and has made several of his patented inventions. The ownership of the discovery of lighting gas around 1800 was a matter of debate at the time. It was shared between the Frenchman Philippe Lebon, the Englishman William Murdoch, the German FrΓ©dΓ©ric-Albert Winsor and the Limbourgois Jan Pieter Minckelers.
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Which giant planet with three suns was discovered in 2015?
151 Pegasi b
π Good answer
KELT-4Ab is an extrasolar planet orbiting the star KELT-4A. The planet was discovered in 2015 by the Kilodegree Extremely Little Telescope (KELT) and is a planet orbiting a star in a triple star system, KELT-4.
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π Wrong answer
KELT-4Ab is an extrasolar planet orbiting the star KELT-4A. The planet was discovered in 2015 by the Kilodegree Extremely Little Telescope (KELT) and is a planet orbiting a star in a triple star system, KELT-4.
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Is a square a rhombus?
π Good answer
A square is a regular polygon, which is both a rhombus and a rectangle.
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π Wrong answer
A square is a regular polygon, which is both a rhombus and a rectangle.
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A circle passing through the three vertices of a triangle is inscribed or circumscribed?
π Good answer
In triangle geometry, the circle circumscribing a triangle (not flat) is the unique circle passing through its three vertices.
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π Wrong answer
In triangle geometry, the circle circumscribing a triangle (not flat) is the unique circle passing through its three vertices.
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When was the first plant genome fully sequenced?
π Good answer
The Lady's Slipper (Arabidopsis thaliana) is a plant species belonging to the Brassicaceae family. Since 1998, these qualities have made it a reference model organism for both biological and genetic research. In 2000, the Arabidopsis thaliana genome was the first plant genome to be fully sequenced.
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π Wrong answer
The Lady's Slipper (Arabidopsis thaliana) is a plant species belonging to the Brassicaceae family. Since 1998, these qualities have made it a reference model organism for both biological and genetic research. In 2000, the Arabidopsis thaliana genome was the first plant genome to be fully sequenced.
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What is hip bone?
1The pelvis
π Good answer
There are two coxal bones, the right hip bone and the left hip bone. They are also called iliac bones and make up the pelvis, or pelvic girdle.
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π Wrong answer
There are two coxal bones, the right hip bone and the left hip bone. They are also called iliac bones and make up the pelvis, or pelvic girdle.
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