Quiz Sciences

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Are you passionate about science? We offer you a collection of science quizzes to test your knowledge on different subjects, such as physics, biology, chemistry, astronomy, geology, etc.

Our science quizzes are a fun and educational way to discover the world of science. With our selection of questions on different topics, you can test your knowledge about science and technology. Do you know the most important laws of physics? Can you name the different parts of the human body? Can you identify the different chemical elements? Our science quizzes are here to help you answer these questions and expand your scientific knowledge.

Our science quizzes will help you discover new topics and theories, as well as learn about the great scientists in history. Science quizzes are a fun way to reinforce your knowledge and discover the beauty and complexity of the universe. So if you are a science enthusiast or just curious, come test your knowledge with our science quizzes.


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Where is the sea of tranquility?



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The Sea of Tranquility is a vast lunar plain located on the Moon. It was the landing site for the Apollo 11 mission in 1969, where the first men walked.

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The Sea of Tranquility is a vast lunar plain located on the Moon. It was the landing site for the Apollo 11 mission in 1969, where the first men walked.

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What was the first flower grown on the International Space Station?



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Zinnia are popular garden flowers. It is the first flower species to grow and bloom in orbit onboard the ISS in January 2016, as part of the Vegetable Production System.

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Zinnia are popular garden flowers. It is the first flower species to grow and bloom in orbit onboard the ISS in January 2016, as part of the Vegetable Production System.

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Which English mechanic and inventor developed the first hydraulic press in 1795?

2Joseph Bramah

1John Barber

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πŸ™Œ Good answer

Joseph Bramah is an English mechanic and inventor. He is credited with the pump lock or safety lock, the hydraulic press, the beer gun, a model of wood planer, a banknote numbering machine, and the toilet flush.

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😞 Wrong answer

Joseph Bramah is an English mechanic and inventor. He is credited with the pump lock or safety lock, the hydraulic press, the beer gun, a model of wood planer, a banknote numbering machine, and the toilet flush.

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When did the Soviet probe Luna 2 reach the Moon?



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The first man-made object to reach the Moon was the Soviet Luna 2 probe, which crashed on September 14, 1959.

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The first man-made object to reach the Moon was the Soviet Luna 2 probe, which crashed on September 14, 1959.

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Which property of the Graphene was discovered in 2004 by Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov?

2Thermal conductivity

1Magnetic permeability

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πŸ™Œ Good answer

Graphene is a two-dimensional crystalline material, an allotropic form of carbon, the stack of which constitutes graphite. This material has the record for thermal conductivity: up to 5,300 W m-1 K-1.

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Graphene is a two-dimensional crystalline material, an allotropic form of carbon, the stack of which constitutes graphite. This material has the record for thermal conductivity: up to 5,300 W m-1 K-1.

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Against which infectious disease is the Calmette and GuΓ©rin bivalent vaccine used?



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The BCG (Calmette-GuΓ©rin) vaccine is used to prevent tuberculosis, an infectious disease that mainly affects the lungs.

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The BCG (Calmette-GuΓ©rin) vaccine is used to prevent tuberculosis, an infectious disease that mainly affects the lungs.

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Which Italian engineer and architect discovered the Steam Turbine in 1629?

1Giovanni Branca

2Leonardo da Vinci

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πŸ™Œ Good answer

Giovanni Branca is an Italian engineer, architect and technical writer of the late 17th and early 18th centuries. He described steam turbines in 1629.

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Giovanni Branca is an Italian engineer, architect and technical writer of the late 17th and early 18th centuries. He described steam turbines in 1629.

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Quelle est la signification de NASA ?

What is the meaning of NASA?

1National Aeronautics and Space Administration

2National Astronomics and Space Administration

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πŸ™Œ Good answer

NASA stands for National Aeronautics and Space Administration. This American agency is responsible for space research and exploration.

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NASA stands for National Aeronautics and Space Administration. This American agency is responsible for space research and exploration.

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What is the longest bone of the human skeleton?

1The femur

2The tibia

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The longest bone of the body is the femur.

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The longest bone of the body is the femur.

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When was the Kepler Space Telescope launched by NASA?



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Kepler is a space telescope developed by the American space agency, NASA. Launched in 2009, Kepler's objective is to carry out a census of detectable exoplanets located in a region of the Milky Way.

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Kepler is a space telescope developed by the American space agency, NASA. Launched in 2009, Kepler's objective is to carry out a census of detectable exoplanets located in a region of the Milky Way.

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