Quiz Sciences

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Are you passionate about science? We offer you a collection of science quizzes to test your knowledge on different subjects, such as physics, biology, chemistry, astronomy, geology, etc.

Our science quizzes are a fun and educational way to discover the world of science. With our selection of questions on different topics, you can test your knowledge about science and technology. Do you know the most important laws of physics? Can you name the different parts of the human body? Can you identify the different chemical elements? Our science quizzes are here to help you answer these questions and expand your scientific knowledge.

Our science quizzes will help you discover new topics and theories, as well as learn about the great scientists in history. Science quizzes are a fun way to reinforce your knowledge and discover the beauty and complexity of the universe. So if you are a science enthusiast or just curious, come test your knowledge with our science quizzes.


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What is the brand of the car sent into space on the maiden flight of the Falcon Heavy rocket?



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The Tesla Roadster is an automobile that was used as an empty load during the maiden flight of the Falcon Heavy rocket. In February 2018, it is launched into space.

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The Tesla Roadster is an automobile that was used as an empty load during the maiden flight of the Falcon Heavy rocket. In February 2018, it is launched into space.

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How many years has the Cassini spacecraft been in orbit around Saturn?

113 years

220 years

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Cassini is a NASA space probe launched in 1997 to study Saturn. It completed its mission in 2017.

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Cassini is a NASA space probe launched in 1997 to study Saturn. It completed its mission in 2017.

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How much bone is the human skeleton made of?



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The human skeleton is made up of 206 bones in adults. These bones provide structure, protect internal organs and enable movement through limb articulation.

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The human skeleton is made up of 206 bones in adults. These bones provide structure, protect internal organs and enable movement through limb articulation.

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Is a square a rhombus?



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A square is a regular polygon, which is both a rhombus and a rectangle.

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A square is a regular polygon, which is both a rhombus and a rectangle.

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When did the French confectioner Nicolas Appert invent canned can?



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The canned can was invented in 1795 by the French confectioner Nicolas Appert (1749-1841). He used glass containers, such as champagne bottles with widened necks. The process met with moderate success and was gradually introduced in other European countries and then in America, after Nicolas Appert published his discovery in 1810.

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The canned can was invented in 1795 by the French confectioner Nicolas Appert (1749-1841). He used glass containers, such as champagne bottles with widened necks. The process met with moderate success and was gradually introduced in other European countries and then in America, after Nicolas Appert published his discovery in 1810.

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Which scientist discovered Penicillin in 1928?

1Alexander Fleming

2Louis Pasteur

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🙌 Good answer

Scientist Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin in 1928. This discovery revolutionized medicine by introducing antibiotics, capable of treating many bacterial infections.

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Scientist Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin in 1928. This discovery revolutionized medicine by introducing antibiotics, capable of treating many bacterial infections.

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Which researcher discovered the Principle of Induced Pluripotency and was awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2012?

2Shinya Yamanaka

1Tasuku Honjo

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Induced pluripotency involves "reprogramming" a differentiated cell into a stem cell by reactivating the expression of genes associated with the embryonic stage. For this discovery, researcher Shinya Yamanaka was awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2012.

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😞 Wrong answer

Induced pluripotency involves "reprogramming" a differentiated cell into a stem cell by reactivating the expression of genes associated with the embryonic stage. For this discovery, researcher Shinya Yamanaka was awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2012.

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What is the first civilian nuclear power plant in the world?



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The Obninsk nuclear power plant was built in the "Scientific City" of Obninsk in Kaluga oblast. It is the first civil nuclear power station in the world. It was operational from 1951 to 2002, although electricity production for the power grid ceased in 1959.

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😞 Wrong answer

The Obninsk nuclear power plant was built in the "Scientific City" of Obninsk in Kaluga oblast. It is the first civil nuclear power station in the world. It was operational from 1951 to 2002, although electricity production for the power grid ceased in 1959.

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What unit of temperature is currently used in the United States?



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In the USA, the temperature unit used is degrees Fahrenheit (°F). This unit is commonly used for weather forecasts and ambient temperatures.

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In the USA, the temperature unit used is degrees Fahrenheit (°F). This unit is commonly used for weather forecasts and ambient temperatures.

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What is hip bone?

1The pelvis


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There are two coxal bones, the right hip bone and the left hip bone. They are also called iliac bones and make up the pelvis, or pelvic girdle.

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😞 Wrong answer

There are two coxal bones, the right hip bone and the left hip bone. They are also called iliac bones and make up the pelvis, or pelvic girdle.

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