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What famous battle led by Charles Martel took place in 732?



alea quiz brain

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The famous battle fought by Charles Martel in 732 was the Battle of Poitiers. This decisive victory halted Muslim expansion in Western Europe.

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The famous battle fought by Charles Martel in 732 was the Battle of Poitiers. This decisive victory halted Muslim expansion in Western Europe.

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From which continent do nasturtiums originate?



alea quiz brain

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Nasturtiums are native to South America. These ornamental and edible plants are particularly appreciated for their colorful flowers and slightly peppery taste.

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Nasturtiums are native to South America. These ornamental and edible plants are particularly appreciated for their colorful flowers and slightly peppery taste.

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What is the capital of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines?



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Kingstown is the capital of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, a state in the Caribbean. The city is located in the parish of St. George and is the capital of St. Vincent Island. In addition to the capital, it is also the main commercial center of the archipelago.

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😞 Wrong answer

Kingstown is the capital of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, a state in the Caribbean. The city is located in the parish of St. George and is the capital of St. Vincent Island. In addition to the capital, it is also the main commercial center of the archipelago.

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What is the longest river in the world?



alea quiz brain

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The length of the Nile is estimated at between 6,650 and 6,895 km, while that of the Amazon varies from 6,400 to 7,062 km, depending on measurement methods.

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The length of the Nile is estimated at between 6,650 and 6,895 km, while that of the Amazon varies from 6,400 to 7,062 km, depending on measurement methods.

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Where is the Great Blue Hole located?



alea quiz brain

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The Great Blue Hole is an underwater cenote located off the coast of Belize, Central America. It is part of the Lighthouse Reef and is protected within the Belizean reef.

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The Great Blue Hole is an underwater cenote located off the coast of Belize, Central America. It is part of the Lighthouse Reef and is protected within the Belizean reef.

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For which Universal Exhibition in Paris was the Eiffel Tower built?

1The Paris Universal Exhibition of 1889

2The Paris Universal Exhibition of 1900

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Built by Gustave Eiffel and his collaborators for the Universal Exhibition of Paris in 1889, and initially named "300-metre tower", this monument has become the symbol of the French capital and a major tourist site.

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Built by Gustave Eiffel and his collaborators for the Universal Exhibition of Paris in 1889, and initially named "300-metre tower", this monument has become the symbol of the French capital and a major tourist site.

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On which Marvin Gaye's album does the song I Heard It Through the Grapevine appear?

1In the Groove

2What's Going On

alea quiz brain

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I Heard It Through the Grapevine is a song written by Norman Whitfield and Barrett Strong for Motown in 1966. Single by Marvin Gaye from the album In The Groove.

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I Heard It Through the Grapevine is a song written by Norman Whitfield and Barrett Strong for Motown in 1966. Single by Marvin Gaye from the album In The Groove.

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When was the first pacemaker implanted?



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The first fully implantable pacemaker was fitted on October 8, 1958 by Swedish surgeon Ã…ke Senning to Arne Larsson in Sweden.

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The first fully implantable pacemaker was fitted on October 8, 1958 by Swedish surgeon Ã…ke Senning to Arne Larsson in Sweden.

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Are sperm whales mysticetes or odontocetes?



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Sperm whales are odontocetes. Unlike mysticetes, they have teeth and are the largest members of this cetacean suborder.

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Sperm whales are odontocetes. Unlike mysticetes, they have teeth and are the largest members of this cetacean suborder.

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mer Rouge

Why is the Red Sea called the Red Sea?

1Red algae

2Red sand

alea quiz brain

🙌 Good answer

The Red Sea owes its name to natural phenomena, notably the presence of cyanobacteria such as Trichodesmium erythraeum, which give the water a reddish hue when they bloom.

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😞 Wrong answer

The Red Sea owes its name to natural phenomena, notably the presence of cyanobacteria such as Trichodesmium erythraeum, which give the water a reddish hue when they bloom.

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