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Who are the first inhabitants of South Africa?



alea quiz brain

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The first inhabitants of South Africa were the Bochimans. In the XIIe century, the country was colonized by the Hottentots.

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The first inhabitants of South Africa were the Bochimans. In the XIIe century, the country was colonized by the Hottentots.

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What is the loudest volcanic eruption?



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The eruption of Krakatoa in Indonesia on 27 August 1883, where the explosion was heard as far as Rodrigues Island, 500 kilometres east of Mauritius.

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The eruption of Krakatoa in Indonesia on 27 August 1883, where the explosion was heard as far as Rodrigues Island, 500 kilometres east of Mauritius.

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What is the capital of the Union of the Comoros?



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Moroni is the capital of the Union of the Comoros and capital of the prefecture of Moroni-Bambao, on the island of Grande Comore. The city has a port that allows you to reach the other islands of the Comorian archipelago, as well as Madagascar or the mainland.

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😞 Wrong answer

Moroni is the capital of the Union of the Comoros and capital of the prefecture of Moroni-Bambao, on the island of Grande Comore. The city has a port that allows you to reach the other islands of the Comorian archipelago, as well as Madagascar or the mainland.

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Who is the author of the novelistic series of A Song of Ice and Fire, adapted as a television series under the title Game of Thrones?

2George R. R. Martin

1Kenneth Martin Follett

alea quiz brain

πŸ™Œ Good answer

George R. R. Martin is the author of A Song of Ice and Fire series of novels, adapted into a TV series under the title Game of Thrones.

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George R. R. Martin is the author of A Song of Ice and Fire series of novels, adapted into a TV series under the title Game of Thrones.

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Which Egyptologist made the first translation of the Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead in 1842?

2Karl Richard Lepsius

1Howard Carter

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In 1842, the German Egyptologist Karl Richard Lepsius called Todtenbuch (Book of the Dead) a papyrus kept in the Egyptian Museum of Turin and of which he made a first translation.

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In 1842, the German Egyptologist Karl Richard Lepsius called Todtenbuch (Book of the Dead) a papyrus kept in the Egyptian Museum of Turin and of which he made a first translation.

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When was the Indochinese Union founded?



alea quiz brain

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French Indochina is a territory of the former French colonial empire, of which it was the richest and most populated possession. Officially called the Indochinese Union and then the Indochinese Federation, it was founded in 1887 and, until its disappearance in 1954, brought together various entities owned or dominated by France in the Far East.

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French Indochina is a territory of the former French colonial empire, of which it was the richest and most populated possession. Officially called the Indochinese Union and then the Indochinese Federation, it was founded in 1887 and, until its disappearance in 1954, brought together various entities owned or dominated by France in the Far East.

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Which giant planet with three suns was discovered in 2015?


151 Pegasi b

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KELT-4Ab is an extrasolar planet orbiting the star KELT-4A. The planet was discovered in 2015 by the Kilodegree Extremely Little Telescope (KELT) and is a planet orbiting a star in a triple star system, KELT-4.

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KELT-4Ab is an extrasolar planet orbiting the star KELT-4A. The planet was discovered in 2015 by the Kilodegree Extremely Little Telescope (KELT) and is a planet orbiting a star in a triple star system, KELT-4.

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In which stadium is the 1994 World Cup Final held?

2Rose Bowl

1Memorial Coliseum

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The 1994 World Cup Final took place at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, California, on July 17, 1994.

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The 1994 World Cup Final took place at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, California, on July 17, 1994.

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How do bellflowers reproduce?



alea quiz brain

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Bellflowers are perennial or biennial herbaceous plants of the family Campanulaceae. Their flowers, blue, purple or white, are hermaphroditic.

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Bellflowers are perennial or biennial herbaceous plants of the family Campanulaceae. Their flowers, blue, purple or white, are hermaphroditic.

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How many French Open tournaments has BjΓΆrn Borg won?



alea quiz brain

πŸ™Œ Good answer

BjΓΆrn Borg's greatest successes came at the French Open, where he long held the record of six titles, won between 1974 and 1981.

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BjΓΆrn Borg's greatest successes came at the French Open, where he long held the record of six titles, won between 1974 and 1981.

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