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What is the average winter temperature at the North Pole?
🙌 Good answer
In winter, the temperature at the North Pole can vary from -43°C to -26°C, with an average of -34°C.
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😞 Wrong answer
In winter, the temperature at the North Pole can vary from -43°C to -26°C, with an average of -34°C.
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What is the capital of Syria?
🙌 Good answer
Syria's capital is Damascus, one of the world's oldest continuously inhabited cities, rich in history and culture.
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😞 Wrong answer
Syria's capital is Damascus, one of the world's oldest continuously inhabited cities, rich in history and culture.
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On which planet did Anakin Skywalker live?
🙌 Good answer
In his youth, Anakin Skywalker (nicknamed Ani) lived with his mother Shmi on Tatooine.
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😞 Wrong answer
In his youth, Anakin Skywalker (nicknamed Ani) lived with his mother Shmi on Tatooine.
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Which Spanish painter painted Las Meninas in 1656?
1Diego Vélasquez
2Francisco de Zurbarán
🙌 Good answer
Las Meninas, also known as The Family of Philip IV, is the most famous portrait by Diego Velázquez, painted in 1656.
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😞 Wrong answer
Las Meninas, also known as The Family of Philip IV, is the most famous portrait by Diego Velázquez, painted in 1656.
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What is the other name for the ranunculus acris?
🙌 Good answer
The ranunculus acris is an herbaceous plant of the Renonculataceae family. It is commonly known as "buttercup", although it also refers to several species of yellow-flowered buttercup.
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😞 Wrong answer
The ranunculus acris is an herbaceous plant of the Renonculataceae family. It is commonly known as "buttercup", although it also refers to several species of yellow-flowered buttercup.
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How often is the World Cup held?
1Every 4 years
2Every 5 years
🙌 Good answer
The FIFA World Cup is an international football competition that usually takes place every four years.
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😞 Wrong answer
The FIFA World Cup is an international football competition that usually takes place every four years.
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What is the name of the system of fortifications built by the Third Reich in 1942?
1Atlantic Wall
2Maginot Line
🙌 Good answer
The Atlantic Wall is a series of coastal fortifications built by the Third Reich in 1942 to defend Europe against the Allied landings.
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😞 Wrong answer
The Atlantic Wall is a series of coastal fortifications built by the Third Reich in 1942 to defend Europe against the Allied landings.
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What is the capital of Nepal?
🙌 Good answer
Kathmandu is the political and religious capital of Nepal of which it is also the largest city as well as the capital of the district of the same name.
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😞 Wrong answer
Kathmandu is the political and religious capital of Nepal of which it is also the largest city as well as the capital of the district of the same name.
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On which aircraft do the explorers Roald Amundsen and Umberto Nobile fly over the North Pole?
1An airship
2A plane
🙌 Good answer
The first to reach the North Pole with certainty were Roald Amundsen and Umberto Nobile, who flew over it aboard the Norge airship on May 12, 1926.
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😞 Wrong answer
The first to reach the North Pole with certainty were Roald Amundsen and Umberto Nobile, who flew over it aboard the Norge airship on May 12, 1926.
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Which famous Brazilian player was world champion in 1958, 1962 and 1970?
🙌 Good answer
The famous Brazilian player who was world champion in 1958, 1962 and 1970 is Pelé. He is considered one of the greatest footballers of all time.
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😞 Wrong answer
The famous Brazilian player who was world champion in 1958, 1962 and 1970 is Pelé. He is considered one of the greatest footballers of all time.
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