Which film by Fritz Lang was inscribed on UNESCO’s international “Memory of the World” register in 2001?

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Fritz Lang’s 1927 film Metropolis was added to UNESCO’s Memory of the World Register in 2001. This inscription underlines the cultural, historical and aesthetic importance of this masterpiece of silent cinema and the science-fiction genre.

Directed by German filmmaker Fritz Lang, Metropolis is a visionary work that reflects the social and political concerns of the time, notably the tensions between social classes and the dangers of dehumanizing industrialization.

The screenplay for Metropolis was written by Fritz Lang and his wife Thea von Harbou. It was inspired by the social and political concerns of the time, while incorporating elements of futuristic science fiction.

The film’s production was colossal, with grandiose sets and innovative special effects for the time. Metropolis was one of the first films to use models and superimposition techniques to create its impressive cityscapes.

Metropolis is set in a futuristic dystopia where the city is divided between the oppressed workers who live underground and the elite who reside in luxurious skyscrapers. The protagonist, Freder, son of the master of Metropolis, discovers the living conditions of the workers and revolts against injustice.

The main characters include Maria, a worker who preaches peace and unity, and Rotwang, a mad inventor who creates a robot in Maria’s image to sow chaos.

Metropolis is often praised for its futuristic vision and universal themes that remain relevant today. The film explores themes such as class struggle, alienation and the quest for reconciliation between the forces of labor and capital.

The film has had a lasting influence on the science fiction genre and on cinema in general. Films such as Blade Runner and Star Wars were inspired by the aesthetics and themes of Metropolis.

In 2001, Metropolis was inscribed on UNESCO’s Memory of the World register, in recognition of its importance as part of the world’s cultural heritage. This inscription aims to protect and promote the preservation of this iconic film for future generations.

Metropolis has undergone several restorations over the years, the most notable being in 2010, when lost footage was found and reintegrated, allowing the film to be seen in its form closest to the original.

Fritz Lang’s Metropolis, released in 1927, is an iconic film that was added to UNESCO’s Memory of the World register in 2001. This masterpiece of silent cinema and science fiction explores universal themes and has had a lasting influence on cinema. Its recognition by UNESCO underlines its cultural and historical importance, ensuring its preservation for future generations.



Which film by Fritz Lang was inscribed on UNESCO's international "Memory of the World" register in 2001?


Fritz Lang's 1927 film Metropolis was added to UNESCO's Memory of the World Register in 2001. This masterpiece of silent cinema is emblematic of the science-fiction genre.