Who is Frank Lloyd Wright?

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Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) is one of the most influential architects of the 20th century, often considered the father of organic architecture. Born in Wisconsin, USA, he developed a design philosophy aimed at harmonizing buildings with their natural surroundings, creating structures that appear to emerge naturally from their site.

One of his most famous works is the House on the Waterfall (Fallingwater), built in 1935 in Pennsylvania, where the house is spectacularly integrated into a waterfall. This project perfectly illustrates his vision of organic architecture, where construction and nature complement each other.

Wright also designed the Guggenheim Museum in New York, completed in 1959, shortly before his death. This museum, with its unique spiral shape, is one of the world’s most recognizable architectural works and an example of Wright’s creativity and innovation.

Throughout his career, Frank Lloyd Wright designed over 1,000 structures, of which around 500 were built. His ideas not only influenced modern architecture, but also left an indelible mark on the way we think about the interaction between buildings and their environment.

Wright also founded the Taliesin School of Architecture, where he trained many renowned architects. His innovative approach to space, light and materials has inspired generations of architects and continues to influence contemporary architecture.

Frank Lloyd Wright is much more than just an architect, he is a visionary who redefined the boundaries of architecture, advocating a symbiosis between man, his buildings and nature. His contributions remain fundamental to the history of architecture, and his legacy lives on in his iconic works throughout the United States and the world.


Qui est Frank Lloyd Wright ?

Who is Frank Lloyd Wright?


Frank Lloyd Wright is a renowned American architect and pioneer of organic architecture, known for such iconic works as the Waterfall House and the Guggenheim Museum.