Are beavers herbivorous or carnivorous?
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The beaver is a herbivore. These rodents feed mainly on plant matter such as bark, leaves, branches and aquatic plants. Its diet consists mainly of soft wood and bark from trees such as poplars, willows and birches, which it cuts with its powerful teeth.
In addition to bark and branches, beavers also consume aquatic grasses and terrestrial plants. In summer, it diversifies its diet with leaves, buds and roots. In winter, it feeds more on branches and trunks stored near its lodges and dams.
The beaver is well adapted to its herbivorous diet. Its front teeth, or incisors, continue to grow throughout its life, enabling it to gnaw wood efficiently without wearing down its teeth. What’s more, its digestive system is capable of transforming the cellulose present in wood, although this is more difficult to digest than other plants.
The dams and lodges built by beavers create ponds that encourage the growth of certain aquatic plants, supplementing their diet. These constructions also modify the surrounding habitat, creating wetlands that benefit a variety of other species.
Beavers are herbivores, feeding mainly on bark, leaves, branches and aquatic plants. Its diet and construction skills contribute to the creation and maintenance of the ecosystems in which it lives.
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Are beavers herbivorous or carnivorous?
The beaver is a herbivore. It feeds mainly on bark, leaves, branches and aquatic plants, especially poplars and willows.