Quiz Nature

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Are you a nature enthusiast? We offer a collection of nature quizzes to test your knowledge on various topics, such as animals, plants, ecosystems, climate, etc.

Our nature quizzes are a fun and informative way to learn more about the natural world around us. With our selection of questions on different topics, you can test your knowledge about nature and biodiversity. Do you know the animals that live in tropical forests? Can you identify the different species of birds? Can you name the different geological formations? Our nature quizzes are here to help you answer these questions and expand your knowledge of nature.

Our nature quizzes will help you discover new animals and plants, and learn about the world’s most important ecosystems. Nature quizzes are a fun way to reinforce your knowledge and discover the beauty and complexity of nature. So if you are a nature enthusiast or just curious, come test your knowledge with our nature quizzes.


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In which Californian National Park can you see the Sailing stones?

1Death Valley National Park

2Yosemite National Park

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πŸ™Œ Good answer

Sailing stones are a geological phenomenon where rocks move and inscribe long traces in the bottom of a smooth valley without human or animal intervention. Such slippery rock tracks have been observed at Racetrack Playa in Death Valley National Park, California.

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😞 Wrong answer

Sailing stones are a geological phenomenon where rocks move and inscribe long traces in the bottom of a smooth valley without human or animal intervention. Such slippery rock tracks have been observed at Racetrack Playa in Death Valley National Park, California.

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What is the largest known eruption?



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πŸ™Œ Good answer

The largest eruption in volume of ejected materials was Toba 73,000 years ago with 2,800 km3.

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The largest eruption in volume of ejected materials was Toba 73,000 years ago with 2,800 km3.

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In which polar region can tabular icebergs be observed?



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πŸ™Œ Good answer

Tabular icebergs are characteristic of the Antarctic zone.

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Tabular icebergs are characteristic of the Antarctic zone.

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When was the Rio Convention signed?



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πŸ™Œ Good answer

The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is an international treaty adopted at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992.

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The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is an international treaty adopted at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992.

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Est-ce que l'anΓ©mone de mer est un animal ?

Is the sea anemone an animal?



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πŸ™Œ Good answer

Sea anemones are invertebrate animals belonging to the class Cnidaria, just like jellyfish and corals.

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Sea anemones are invertebrate animals belonging to the class Cnidaria, just like jellyfish and corals.

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OΓΉ vivent les albatros ?

Where do albatrosses live?

2Southern hemisphere

1Northern hemisphere

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πŸ™Œ Good answer

Albatrosses live mainly in the oceanic areas of the southern hemisphere, especially in subantarctic and antarctic waters.

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Albatrosses live mainly in the oceanic areas of the southern hemisphere, especially in subantarctic and antarctic waters.

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Are marine mammals endothermic or ectothermic?



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πŸ™Œ Good answer

They have warm blood (homeotherm or endotherm).

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They have warm blood (homeotherm or endotherm).

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What is the loudest volcanic eruption?



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πŸ™Œ Good answer

The eruption of Krakatoa in Indonesia on 27 August 1883, where the explosion was heard as far as Rodrigues Island, 500 kilometres east of Mauritius.

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The eruption of Krakatoa in Indonesia on 27 August 1883, where the explosion was heard as far as Rodrigues Island, 500 kilometres east of Mauritius.

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What is the name of the buck of the deer?



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πŸ™Œ Good answer

The male deer is called brocade. Only he carries antlers, but he loses them in the fall. The female deer is called a "chevrette". She does not carry antlers. The young deer is called "fawn" (up to 6 months), then "roe deer" (from 6 to 12 months).

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😞 Wrong answer

The male deer is called brocade. Only he carries antlers, but he loses them in the fall. The female deer is called a "chevrette". She does not carry antlers. The young deer is called "fawn" (up to 6 months), then "roe deer" (from 6 to 12 months).

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A quelle saison les libellules anax empereur deviennent-elles adultes ?

In what season do emperor anax dragonflies become adults?

2June to August

1March to May

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πŸ™Œ Good answer

Emperor anax dragonflies emerge as adults in early summer, from June to August, after spending about two years as nymphs in the water.

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Emperor anax dragonflies emerge as adults in early summer, from June to August, after spending about two years as nymphs in the water.

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