How many humps does a camel have?
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Definition : what is a camel ?
The camel is a mammal belonging to the camelid family. It is known for its humps, its long legs and its ability to survive in desert environments.
Where do camels live?
Camels live mainly in the desert regions of Africa and Asia, but they can also be found in grasslands and steppes.
What does the camel eat?
Camels are herbivores that eat hard, thorny plants such as acacia trees, juniper trees and bushes.
What is the lifestyle of a camel?
Camels are social animals that live in herds led by a dominant male. They have a great ability to store water and nutrients in their hump, which allows them to survive for long periods of time without food or water.
How can camels survive in the desert?
Camels have unique adaptations that allow them to survive in desert environments, such as their ability to store large amounts of water and nutrients in their humps, their ability to close their nostrils to avoid sandstorms, and their ability to regulate their body temperature by avoiding excessive heat.
How long can camels go without drinking?
Camels can go up to two weeks without drinking water, thanks to their ability to store large amounts of water in their hump.
Can camels drink salt water?
Yes, camels can drink salt water, which allows them to survive in the harshest of environments.
How can you tell a camel from a dromedary?
Camels have two humps, while dromedaries have only one. Also, camels have denser and softer fur than dromedaries.
Are camels born with a hump?
No, camels only develop a hump after a few weeks of life, when they start drinking milk.
Can camels be domesticated?
Yes, camels have been domesticated for thousands of years to transport people and goods in desert regions.
How are camels used in Bedouin culture?
In Bedouin culture, camels are used for transporting people and goods, for milk and meat production, and for traditional camel racing. They are an important part of the life and culture of nomadic desert peoples.

How many humps does a camel have?
Camels have two humps, while dromedaries have only one, they are energy reserves full of fat.