Quiz History

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Are you a history buff? We offer you a multitude of history quizzes to test your knowledge on past events, historical figures, wars, revolutions…

Do you know the details of the French Revolution? Can you name the important characters of the Trojan War? Can you tell the difference between the different world wars?

Our history quizzes will help you discover new historical facts and characters, as well as learn more about the most important events in world history. History quizzes are a fun way to reinforce your knowledge and learn about world history. So if you love history or are just curious, come test your knowledge with our history quizzes.


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What was the first joint Franco-British offensive of the World War I?

1Battle of the Somme

2Battle of Verdun

alea quiz brain

🙌 Good answer

The Battle of the Somme in 1916 was the first joint Franco-British offensive of the World War I, aimed at weakening German forces.

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😞 Wrong answer

The Battle of the Somme in 1916 was the first joint Franco-British offensive of the World War I, aimed at weakening German forces.

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What was the name given to the British army evacuation operation at Dunkirk in 1940?



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Operation Dynamo is the name given to the evacuation of Dunkirk by the British army (including Canadian forces) from May 21 to June 4, 1940. A total of 338,226 men will be evacuated to the United Kingdom.

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😞 Wrong answer

Operation Dynamo is the name given to the evacuation of Dunkirk by the British army (including Canadian forces) from May 21 to June 4, 1940. A total of 338,226 men will be evacuated to the United Kingdom.

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What is the largest of the Loire castles?



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Chambord is the largest of the Loire castles. Located in France, it is famous for its Renaissance architecture and impressive gardens.

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😞 Wrong answer

Chambord is the largest of the Loire castles. Located in France, it is famous for its Renaissance architecture and impressive gardens.

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Which text of 1689 defines the principles of the parliamentary monarchy in England?

1The Bill of Rights

2The Habeas corpus

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🙌 Good answer

The Bill of Rights is a text imposed in 1689 on the rulers of England (William III and Mary II) following the Glorious Revolution. It defines the principles of parliamentary monarchy in England.

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😞 Wrong answer

The Bill of Rights is a text imposed in 1689 on the rulers of England (William III and Mary II) following the Glorious Revolution. It defines the principles of parliamentary monarchy in England.

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Who is the last Merovingian king?

2Childeric III

1Clovis III

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Placed on the throne by the mayor of the Pépin le Bref palace, Childéric III was deposed by the same Pépin in November 751 and ended up cloistered in a monastery.

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Placed on the throne by the mayor of the Pépin le Bref palace, Childéric III was deposed by the same Pépin in November 751 and ended up cloistered in a monastery.

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What was the name of Adolf Hitler's far-right German political party?



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🙌 Good answer

The National Socialist Party of German Workers (NSDAP) was a German political party of the extreme right-wing nationalist and fascist political family. Founded in 1920, it came to power on January 30, 1933, with the appointment of its leader, Adolf Hitler, as Reich Chancellor by Reich President Marshal Hindenburg.

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😞 Wrong answer

The National Socialist Party of German Workers (NSDAP) was a German political party of the extreme right-wing nationalist and fascist political family. Founded in 1920, it came to power on January 30, 1933, with the appointment of its leader, Adolf Hitler, as Reich Chancellor by Reich President Marshal Hindenburg.

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When did Napoleon Bonaparte become First Consul of the Republic?



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🙌 Good answer

Napoleon Bonaparte came to power in 1799 with the coup d'état of 18 Brumaire. He was First Consul until 2 August 1802, then Consul for life until 18 May 1804, when he was proclaimed Emperor of the French by a sénatus-consulte followed by a plebiscite.

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😞 Wrong answer

Napoleon Bonaparte came to power in 1799 with the coup d'état of 18 Brumaire. He was First Consul until 2 August 1802, then Consul for life until 18 May 1804, when he was proclaimed Emperor of the French by a sénatus-consulte followed by a plebiscite.

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What battle ends the Hundred Years' War?

2Battle of Castillon

1Battle of Azincourt

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🙌 Good answer

The Battle of Castillon, which took place on July 17, 1453, put an end to the Hundred Years' War. It marked the decisive victory of the French over the English.

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😞 Wrong answer

The Battle of Castillon, which took place on July 17, 1453, put an end to the Hundred Years' War. It marked the decisive victory of the French over the English.

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When did Louis XIV and his court reside at the Château de Versailles?



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🙌 Good answer

The Palace of Versailles is a French castle and historical monument. It was the residence of the French kings Louis XIV, Louis XV and Louis XVI. The king and the court resided there permanently from May 6, 1682 to October 6, 1789.

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😞 Wrong answer

The Palace of Versailles is a French castle and historical monument. It was the residence of the French kings Louis XIV, Louis XV and Louis XVI. The king and the court resided there permanently from May 6, 1682 to October 6, 1789.

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How old was Louis XIV when he became king?

14 years old

213 years old

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🙌 Good answer

Louis XIV became king at the age of four. His reign lasted from May 14, 1643, under the regency of his mother Anne of Austria, to September 7, 1651, date of his death in 1715. His 72-year reign was one of the longest in European history and the longest in French history.

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😞 Wrong answer

Louis XIV became king at the age of four. His reign lasted from May 14, 1643, under the regency of his mother Anne of Austria, to September 7, 1651, date of his death in 1715. His 72-year reign was one of the longest in European history and the longest in French history.

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