Quiz History

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Are you a history buff? We offer you a multitude of history quizzes to test your knowledge on past events, historical figures, wars, revolutions…

Do you know the details of the French Revolution? Can you name the important characters of the Trojan War? Can you tell the difference between the different world wars?

Our history quizzes will help you discover new historical facts and characters, as well as learn more about the most important events in world history. History quizzes are a fun way to reinforce your knowledge and learn about world history. So if you love history or are just curious, come test your knowledge with our history quizzes.


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What is the largest of the Loire castles?



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Chambord is the largest of the Loire castles. Located in France, it is famous for its Renaissance architecture and impressive gardens.

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Chambord is the largest of the Loire castles. Located in France, it is famous for its Renaissance architecture and impressive gardens.

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When was the episode of the Soissons Vase held?



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The epilogue occurred on March 1, 487.

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The epilogue occurred on March 1, 487.

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How many texts contain the Nuremberg Laws passed by Hitler in 1935?



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The Nuremberg Laws are three texts adopted by the Reichstag on the occasion of the seventh annual Nazi Party Congress in Nuremberg on September 15, 1935.

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The Nuremberg Laws are three texts adopted by the Reichstag on the occasion of the seventh annual Nazi Party Congress in Nuremberg on September 15, 1935.

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Who is the author of the assassination of Jean-Paul Marat on July 13, 1793?

1Charlotte Corday

2François Ravaillac

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🙌 Good answer

Jean-Paul Marat was a mountain deputy at the Convention at the time of the Revolution. His assassination by Charlotte Corday on July 13, 1793 in Paris allowed the Hebertists to make him a martyr of the Revolution and to install his remains in the Pantheon for a few months.

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😞 Wrong answer

Jean-Paul Marat was a mountain deputy at the Convention at the time of the Revolution. His assassination by Charlotte Corday on July 13, 1793 in Paris allowed the Hebertists to make him a martyr of the Revolution and to install his remains in the Pantheon for a few months.

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What was the name given to the British army evacuation operation at Dunkirk in 1940?



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Operation Dynamo is the name given to the evacuation of Dunkirk by the British army (including Canadian forces) from May 21 to June 4, 1940. A total of 338,226 men will be evacuated to the United Kingdom.

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😞 Wrong answer

Operation Dynamo is the name given to the evacuation of Dunkirk by the British army (including Canadian forces) from May 21 to June 4, 1940. A total of 338,226 men will be evacuated to the United Kingdom.

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For which Universal Exhibition in Paris was the Eiffel Tower built?

1The Paris Universal Exhibition of 1889

2The Paris Universal Exhibition of 1900

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Built by Gustave Eiffel and his collaborators for the Universal Exhibition of Paris in 1889, and initially named "300-metre tower", this monument has become the symbol of the French capital and a major tourist site.

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Built by Gustave Eiffel and his collaborators for the Universal Exhibition of Paris in 1889, and initially named "300-metre tower", this monument has become the symbol of the French capital and a major tourist site.

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In 1095, which Pope preached the First Crusade on the Place de Clermont?

2Urban II

1Paul III

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The Appeal of Clermont is a speech, delivered on 27 November 1095 by Pope Urban II, the day after the Council of Clermont, which he had presided over. This speech is a call to the Crusades.

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😞 Wrong answer

The Appeal of Clermont is a speech, delivered on 27 November 1095 by Pope Urban II, the day after the Council of Clermont, which he had presided over. This speech is a call to the Crusades.

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Who is the last Merovingian king?

2Childeric III

1Clovis III

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Placed on the throne by the mayor of the Pépin le Bref palace, Childéric III was deposed by the same Pépin in November 751 and ended up cloistered in a monastery.

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😞 Wrong answer

Placed on the throne by the mayor of the Pépin le Bref palace, Childéric III was deposed by the same Pépin in November 751 and ended up cloistered in a monastery.

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When did the separation of the Churches of East and West take place?



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The separation of the Churches of East and West, also called the schism of 1054 by historians, is the progressive distance and then the rupture between the Churches which, under the impulse of Basilus Justinian (527-565), were constituted as a "Pentarchy" in the Eastern Roman Empire.

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😞 Wrong answer

The separation of the Churches of East and West, also called the schism of 1054 by historians, is the progressive distance and then the rupture between the Churches which, under the impulse of Basilus Justinian (527-565), were constituted as a "Pentarchy" in the Eastern Roman Empire.

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Who commanded the Afrika Korps during the North Africa Campaign?

2Erwin Rommel

1Hermann Göring

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🙌 Good answer

In September 1940, Italian forces had attacked Egypt, a country then under British influence. The Germans sent Rommel's Afrika Korps as a reinforcement to rescue their Italian allies.

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😞 Wrong answer

In September 1940, Italian forces had attacked Egypt, a country then under British influence. The Germans sent Rommel's Afrika Korps as a reinforcement to rescue their Italian allies.

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