Quiz Nature

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Are you a nature enthusiast? We offer a collection of nature quizzes to test your knowledge on various topics, such as animals, plants, ecosystems, climate, etc.

Our nature quizzes are a fun and informative way to learn more about the natural world around us. With our selection of questions on different topics, you can test your knowledge about nature and biodiversity. Do you know the animals that live in tropical forests? Can you identify the different species of birds? Can you name the different geological formations? Our nature quizzes are here to help you answer these questions and expand your knowledge of nature.

Our nature quizzes will help you discover new animals and plants, and learn about the world’s most important ecosystems. Nature quizzes are a fun way to reinforce your knowledge and discover the beauty and complexity of nature. So if you are a nature enthusiast or just curious, come test your knowledge with our nature quizzes.


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Quel est le nom du petit de la brebis ?

What is the name of the sheep's lamb?



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πŸ™Œ Good answer

Lambs are the offspring of ewes and rams. The term lamb refers to the young male sheep, less than a year old.

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Lambs are the offspring of ewes and rams. The term lamb refers to the young male sheep, less than a year old.

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What is the scientific name of the poppy?

2Papaver rhoeas

1Centaurea cyanus

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πŸ™Œ Good answer

The scientific name for the poppy is Papaver rhoeas. This bright red flower is often associated with fields and symbolizes the memory of soldiers.

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The scientific name for the poppy is Papaver rhoeas. This bright red flower is often associated with fields and symbolizes the memory of soldiers.

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In which polar region can tabular icebergs be observed?



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πŸ™Œ Good answer

Tabular icebergs are characteristic of the Antarctic zone.

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Tabular icebergs are characteristic of the Antarctic zone.

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Les bonobos sont-ils menacΓ©s d'extinction ?

Are bonobos threatened with extinction?



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πŸ™Œ Good answer

Yes, bonobos are considered an endangered species. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), there are currently about 10,000 bonobos in the world.

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Yes, bonobos are considered an endangered species. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), there are currently about 10,000 bonobos in the world.

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Is the caracal related to the lynx ?



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πŸ™Œ Good answer

The caracal, historically classified within the genera Lynx and Felis, is now recognized as a distinct genus, closely related to the serval and the African golden cat.

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The caracal, historically classified within the genera Lynx and Felis, is now recognized as a distinct genus, closely related to the serval and the African golden cat.

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What is the average winter temperature at the North Pole?



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πŸ™Œ Good answer

In winter, the temperature at the North Pole can vary from -43Β°C to -26Β°C, with an average of -34Β°C.

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In winter, the temperature at the North Pole can vary from -43Β°C to -26Β°C, with an average of -34Β°C.

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What is the loudest volcanic eruption?



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The eruption of Krakatoa in Indonesia on 27 August 1883, where the explosion was heard as far as Rodrigues Island, 500 kilometres east of Mauritius.

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The eruption of Krakatoa in Indonesia on 27 August 1883, where the explosion was heard as far as Rodrigues Island, 500 kilometres east of Mauritius.

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What coniferous people a spruce forest?



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πŸ™Œ Good answer

A spruce stand is a forest dominated by the resinous conifer spruce. These forests are found mainly in mountainous and sub-alpine regions.

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A spruce stand is a forest dominated by the resinous conifer spruce. These forests are found mainly in mountainous and sub-alpine regions.

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What conifer loses its thorns in winter?



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πŸ™Œ Good answer

The larch is a deciduous conifer that sheds its needles in autumn, unlike most evergreen trees.

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The larch is a deciduous conifer that sheds its needles in autumn, unlike most evergreen trees.

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What family do fir trees belong to?



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πŸ™Œ Good answer

Firs belong to the family Pinaceae, which includes about 600 species of conifers, and are characterized by their pyramidal shape.

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Firs belong to the family Pinaceae, which includes about 600 species of conifers, and are characterized by their pyramidal shape.

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