Quiz Nature

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Are you a nature enthusiast? We offer a collection of nature quizzes to test your knowledge on various topics, such as animals, plants, ecosystems, climate, etc.

Our nature quizzes are a fun and informative way to learn more about the natural world around us. With our selection of questions on different topics, you can test your knowledge about nature and biodiversity. Do you know the animals that live in tropical forests? Can you identify the different species of birds? Can you name the different geological formations? Our nature quizzes are here to help you answer these questions and expand your knowledge of nature.

Our nature quizzes will help you discover new animals and plants, and learn about the world’s most important ecosystems. Nature quizzes are a fun way to reinforce your knowledge and discover the beauty and complexity of nature. So if you are a nature enthusiast or just curious, come test your knowledge with our nature quizzes.


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In which country is the largest alpaca population observed?



alea quiz brain

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Peru is the largest producer of South American camelids, the alpaca population is about 3.7 million specimens and the domestication of these species goes back more than 7,000 years.

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Peru is the largest producer of South American camelids, the alpaca population is about 3.7 million specimens and the domestication of these species goes back more than 7,000 years.

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What is the scientific name of the poppy?

2Papaver rhoeas

1Centaurea cyanus

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🙌 Good answer

The scientific name for the poppy is Papaver rhoeas. This bright red flower is often associated with fields and symbolizes the memory of soldiers.

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The scientific name for the poppy is Papaver rhoeas. This bright red flower is often associated with fields and symbolizes the memory of soldiers.

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A quelle saison les libellules anax empereur deviennent-elles adultes ?

In what season do emperor anax dragonflies become adults?

2June to August

1March to May

alea quiz brain

🙌 Good answer

Emperor anax dragonflies emerge as adults in early summer, from June to August, after spending about two years as nymphs in the water.

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Emperor anax dragonflies emerge as adults in early summer, from June to August, after spending about two years as nymphs in the water.

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What is the scientific name of juniper?



alea quiz brain

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The scientific name for juniper is Juniperus, a genus of conifers belonging to the Cupressaceae family.

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The scientific name for juniper is Juniperus, a genus of conifers belonging to the Cupressaceae family.

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Where a wild Boa constrictor can be found?

1The American continent

2The Asian continent

alea quiz brain

🙌 Good answer

The Boa constrictor is a species of snake in the Boidae family. Formerly called Boa soothsayer or Aviosa, it is a very large snake found in the wild only on the American continent.

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😞 Wrong answer

The Boa constrictor is a species of snake in the Boidae family. Formerly called Boa soothsayer or Aviosa, it is a very large snake found in the wild only on the American continent.

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Where can you see chamois?



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🙌 Good answer

Chamois are found in the mountains of Europe, particularly in the Alps, Apennines and Carpathians. They prefer steep, rocky terrain.

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Chamois are found in the mountains of Europe, particularly in the Alps, Apennines and Carpathians. They prefer steep, rocky terrain.

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How do bellflowers reproduce?



alea quiz brain

🙌 Good answer

Bellflowers are perennial or biennial herbaceous plants of the family Campanulaceae. Their flowers, blue, purple or white, are hermaphroditic.

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Bellflowers are perennial or biennial herbaceous plants of the family Campanulaceae. Their flowers, blue, purple or white, are hermaphroditic.

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What is the emblematic tree of the city of Hiroshima?

1Camphor tree

2Ginkgo biloba

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🙌 Good answer

The camphor tree is the emblematic tree of the city of Hiroshima, the first, along with the Ginkgo biloba, to have resumed after the atomic bombing.

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The camphor tree is the emblematic tree of the city of Hiroshima, the first, along with the Ginkgo biloba, to have resumed after the atomic bombing.

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Quel est le nom du petit de la brebis ?

What is the name of the sheep's lamb?



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🙌 Good answer

Lambs are the offspring of ewes and rams. The term lamb refers to the young male sheep, less than a year old.

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Lambs are the offspring of ewes and rams. The term lamb refers to the young male sheep, less than a year old.

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To which family of birds does the golden eagle belong?



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🙌 Good answer

The golden eagle is a member of the Accipitridae, a family of birds of prey that also includes harriers, vultures and falcons.

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The golden eagle is a member of the Accipitridae, a family of birds of prey that also includes harriers, vultures and falcons.

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