Quiz Nature

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Are you a nature enthusiast? We offer a collection of nature quizzes to test your knowledge on various topics, such as animals, plants, ecosystems, climate, etc.

Our nature quizzes are a fun and informative way to learn more about the natural world around us. With our selection of questions on different topics, you can test your knowledge about nature and biodiversity. Do you know the animals that live in tropical forests? Can you identify the different species of birds? Can you name the different geological formations? Our nature quizzes are here to help you answer these questions and expand your knowledge of nature.

Our nature quizzes will help you discover new animals and plants, and learn about the world’s most important ecosystems. Nature quizzes are a fun way to reinforce your knowledge and discover the beauty and complexity of nature. So if you are a nature enthusiast or just curious, come test your knowledge with our nature quizzes.


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What physiological characteristic differentiates the weasel from the ermine?



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πŸ™Œ Good answer

The main physiological difference between weasels and ermine is their winter coat. The ermine becomes entirely white, except for the tip of its tail, which remains black, while the weasel retains its brown coat.

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The main physiological difference between weasels and ermine is their winter coat. The ermine becomes entirely white, except for the tip of its tail, which remains black, while the weasel retains its brown coat.

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What is the bat's scientific name?



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πŸ™Œ Good answer

The bat's scientific name is Chiroptera. These flying mammals play an essential role in ecosystems, notably as pollinators and insect population controllers.

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The bat's scientific name is Chiroptera. These flying mammals play an essential role in ecosystems, notably as pollinators and insect population controllers.

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What is the name of the buck of the deer?



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πŸ™Œ Good answer

The male roe deer is known as the brocade. It is distinguished by its antlers, which fall and grow back each year, and by its role in spring reproduction.

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The male roe deer is known as the brocade. It is distinguished by its antlers, which fall and grow back each year, and by its role in spring reproduction.

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What is the average lifespan of a cockatoo?

2Between 40 and 60 years old

1Between 20 and 40 years old

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πŸ™Œ Good answer

The average lifespan of a cockatoo in captivity varies between 40 and 60 years, depending on the species and care provided, but some can live even longer.

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The average lifespan of a cockatoo in captivity varies between 40 and 60 years, depending on the species and care provided, but some can live even longer.

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Qu'est-ce qu'un chien de mer ?

What is a spiny dogfish?



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πŸ™Œ Good answer

The spiny dogfish, also called dogfish, is a small shark belonging to the shark family.

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The spiny dogfish, also called dogfish, is a small shark belonging to the shark family.

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Where is the Great Blue Hole located?



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πŸ™Œ Good answer

The Great Blue Hole is an underwater cenote located off the coast of Belize, Central America. It is part of the Lighthouse Reef and is protected within the Belizean reef.

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The Great Blue Hole is an underwater cenote located off the coast of Belize, Central America. It is part of the Lighthouse Reef and is protected within the Belizean reef.

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What is the emblematic tree of the city of Hiroshima?

1Camphor tree

2Ginkgo biloba

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πŸ™Œ Good answer

The camphor tree is the emblematic tree of the city of Hiroshima, the first, along with the Ginkgo biloba, to have resumed after the atomic bombing.

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The camphor tree is the emblematic tree of the city of Hiroshima, the first, along with the Ginkgo biloba, to have resumed after the atomic bombing.

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Les anguilles ont-elles des dents ?

Do eels have teeth?



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πŸ™Œ Good answer

Eels have sharp teeth in their upper and lower jaws that allow them to grasp their food, often invertebrates, crustaceans and small fish.

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Eels have sharp teeth in their upper and lower jaws that allow them to grasp their food, often invertebrates, crustaceans and small fish.

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Les bonobos sont-ils menacΓ©s d'extinction ?

Are bonobos threatened with extinction?



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πŸ™Œ Good answer

Yes, bonobos are considered an endangered species. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), there are currently about 10,000 bonobos in the world.

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Yes, bonobos are considered an endangered species. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), there are currently about 10,000 bonobos in the world.

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Which thorny plant is the emblem of Scotland?



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πŸ™Œ Good answer

The thistle is the emblem of Scotland. This thorny plant symbolizes resistance and defense, and is deeply rooted in Scottish history.

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The thistle is the emblem of Scotland. This thorny plant symbolizes resistance and defense, and is deeply rooted in Scottish history.

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