Quiz Nature
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Are you a nature enthusiast? We offer a collection of nature quizzes to test your knowledge on various topics, such as animals, plants, ecosystems, climate, etc.
Our nature quizzes are a fun and informative way to learn more about the natural world around us. With our selection of questions on different topics, you can test your knowledge about nature and biodiversity. Do you know the animals that live in tropical forests? Can you identify the different species of birds? Can you name the different geological formations? Our nature quizzes are here to help you answer these questions and expand your knowledge of nature.
Our nature quizzes will help you discover new animals and plants, and learn about the world’s most important ecosystems. Nature quizzes are a fun way to reinforce your knowledge and discover the beauty and complexity of nature. So if you are a nature enthusiast or just curious, come test your knowledge with our nature quizzes.
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How fast does an ostrich run?
270 km/h (43 mph)
150 km/h (31 mph)

🙌 Good answer
Ostriches can run at speeds of up to 70 km/h. They are the largest and fastest of all land birds, capable of maintaining speeds of 50 km/h over long distances.
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😞 Wrong answer
Ostriches can run at speeds of up to 70 km/h. They are the largest and fastest of all land birds, capable of maintaining speeds of 50 km/h over long distances.
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Are cetaceans carnivorous?

🙌 Good answer
Yes, cetaceans are carnivores. Odontocetes hunt fish and squid, while mysticetes filter plankton and small crustaceans.
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😞 Wrong answer
Yes, cetaceans are carnivores. Odontocetes hunt fish and squid, while mysticetes filter plankton and small crustaceans.
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Which conifers can cause pollinosis?

🙌 Good answer
Cypress is a conifer that can cause pollinosis, particularly in spring, due to its allergenic pollen.
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😞 Wrong answer
Cypress is a conifer that can cause pollinosis, particularly in spring, due to its allergenic pollen.
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Which is the largest of the American crocodilians?
2Black caiman
1American alligator

🙌 Good answer
The black caiman can reach a weight of 1,100 kg, making it the largest of the American crocodilians and the largest predator in the Amazon basin. The largest reported black caiman was 7.7 m long and weighed 1,310 kg.
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😞 Wrong answer
The black caiman can reach a weight of 1,100 kg, making it the largest of the American crocodilians and the largest predator in the Amazon basin. The largest reported black caiman was 7.7 m long and weighed 1,310 kg.
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What is the name of the American research station located at the South Pole?
2Robert Falcon Scott

🙌 Good answer
The Amundsen-Scott Antarctic Base is an American research station located about 250 metres from the South Pole.
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😞 Wrong answer
The Amundsen-Scott Antarctic Base is an American research station located about 250 metres from the South Pole.
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What is a spiny dogfish?

🙌 Good answer
The spiny dogfish, also called dogfish, is a small shark belonging to the shark family.
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😞 Wrong answer
The spiny dogfish, also called dogfish, is a small shark belonging to the shark family.
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What is the difference between a crocodile and an alligator?
1The muzzle
2The tail

🙌 Good answer
Alligators are characterized by a larger snout than crocodiles. Alligators are native to only three countries: the United States, Mexico and the People's Republic of China.
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😞 Wrong answer
Alligators are characterized by a larger snout than crocodiles. Alligators are native to only three countries: the United States, Mexico and the People's Republic of China.
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What is the continent of origin of camellia?
2South America

🙌 Good answer
Camellia is a genus of flowering plants of the family Theaceae, native to eastern and southern Asia from the Himalayan range, Japan and Indonesia. The number of species in the genus varies, depending on the botanist, between 100 and 250.
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😞 Wrong answer
Camellia is a genus of flowering plants of the family Theaceae, native to eastern and southern Asia from the Himalayan range, Japan and Indonesia. The number of species in the genus varies, depending on the botanist, between 100 and 250.
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What is the other name for the ranunculus acris?

🙌 Good answer
The ranunculus acris is an herbaceous plant of the Renonculataceae family. It is commonly known as "buttercup", although it also refers to several species of yellow-flowered buttercup.
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😞 Wrong answer
The ranunculus acris is an herbaceous plant of the Renonculataceae family. It is commonly known as "buttercup", although it also refers to several species of yellow-flowered buttercup.
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Are manatees carnivorous or herbivorous?

🙌 Good answer
Manatees are herbivores. They feed mainly on aquatic plants, consuming sea grasses and floating vegetation as part of their diet.
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😞 Wrong answer
Manatees are herbivores. They feed mainly on aquatic plants, consuming sea grasses and floating vegetation as part of their diet.
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