Which English king passed the Habeas Corpus Act of 1679?
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Habeas corpus is a fundamental legal principle that guarantees individual freedom by protecting citizens against arbitrary detention. In England, this concept has its origins in the Magna Carta of 1215, which stipulates that no one may be imprisoned without legal judgment. Over the centuries, however, abuses persisted, particularly during the reign of the Stuarts, when arrests without cause and without judicial review were commonplace.
During the reign of Charles II (1660-1685), tensions between Parliament and the monarchy intensified. The King, seeking to consolidate his power, made arbitrary arrests, which worried parliamentarians. In response, Parliament passed the Habeas Corpus Act in 1679, designed to limit the sovereign’s powers of arrest. This law stipulated that anyone arrested must be brought before a judge within three days, who would examine the legality of the detention. If no valid charges are brought, the person must be released.
The Habeas Corpus Act of 1679 is considered a major advance in the protection of individual liberties. It established a legal framework preventing the executive from imprisoning people without legal justification. This legislation has influenced many legal systems around the world, serving as a model for the protection of fundamental rights.
However, despite the adoption of this law, tensions remained between Parliament and the monarchy. In 1688, the Glorious Revolution led to the deposition of James II, successor to Charles II, and the accession of William III and Mary II. In 1689, the Bill of Rights was passed, reinforcing the provisions of the Habeas Corpus Act and establishing the principles of parliamentary monarchy in England.
The passage of the Habeas Corpus Act in 1679, during the reign of Charles II, marked a crucial step in limiting royal arbitrariness and protecting individual liberties in England. This legislation laid the foundations for constitutional monarchy and has had a lasting influence on modern legal systems.

Which English king passed the Habeas Corpus Act of 1679?
The Habeas Corpus Act of 1679 was passed during the reign of King Charles II of England.